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Competitive government fellowships
This government fellowships allocated to EDISS by University Lyon 1 and INSA Lyon are awarded annually in a 2-step competitive process which takes place in June or July.
Candidates apply on the basis of thesis topics submitted by the research units and validated by EDISS.
The competition takes place in 2 steps:
Step 1 :Eligibility
The application will be first examined by the Council of EDISS. The number of candidates selected for an interview depends on the number of government fellowships allocated to EDISS, and on the number of applications.
The candidates are selected for an interview based on their academic record and mark transcripts. They will notified of their selection (with the date and time of their interview) or of the rejection of their application by e-mail.
Step 2 : Interview of selected candidates
The interview comprises a 10-minute presentation of the candidate background and PhD project, followed by 10 minutes of questions/discussion with the members of the jury.
Terms and procedure of the selection process
The competitive government fellowship is open to candidates presented by laboratories affiliated to the University Lyon 1 or to INSA Lyon, regardless of their nationality or of the institution which awarded them their Master degree. The presentation slide must not include any additional slides (no additional slides during questions from the jury).
The eligibility criteria are the following :
The eligibility criteria are the following :
- The candidate must hold, or be in the process of being awarded, a French Research Master degree (M2 or Engineer degree with a 6-month internship in an academic laboratory), or a foreign degree of equivalent level including research training
- The candidate must have obtained a mark equal to or higher than 12/20 at the end of the first session of the semester 3 of the Master 2 or of the equivalent diploma, whatever the year the Master or equivalent diploma was obtained
- The candidate must have a PhD project related to one of the scientific disciplines of EDISS
- The candidate must have obtained support letterheads from a PhD supervisor and the Director of the laboratory both affiliated to EDISS
- The candidate must have sent the completed and signed application form as well as the requested documents
- The candidate must not have any salary or any other professional income
- The candidate must have never applied to the competitive government fellowships awarded by EDISS
The application file must include the following elements:
- CV (2 pages maximum)
- The EDISS application form completed and signed
- Letter of support from the PhD supervisor
- Letter of support from the Director of the laboratory
- A copy of the Master degree or equivalent diploma
- Mark transcripts of the 4 semesters of the Master program including the ranking of the candidate (mandatory)*
The jury ranks the interviewed candidates. The rank is then sent to the University Lyon1 and INSA Lyon for validation, and posted on the EDISS website. When the ranking has been approved by the University of Lyon 1 and INSA Lyon, the results are sent by e-mail to the candidates
The PV is posted on the EDISS website subject to the validation of the institutions awarding doctoral contracts (University Lyon 1, INSA Lyon).
=> PV of the EDISS 2025 competition
Ranking validated by the UCBL on
The PV is posted on the EDISS website subject to the validation of the institutions awarding doctoral contracts (University Lyon 1, INSA Lyon).
=> PV of the EDISS 2025 competition
Ranking validated by the UCBL on
If the candidate is authorized to enroll in EDISS PhD program, his/her ADUM* account will be created by EDISS so that they can start the enrollment process (Le Réseau ADUM)
* Accès doctorat unique et mutualisé
The registration comprises two parts :
* Accès doctorat unique et mutualisé
The registration comprises two parts :
- Pedagogical registration managed by EDISS (step 1-4, see below)
- Administrative registration (step 5-6, see below) managed by University Lyon1, INSA Lyon or VetaGroSup
- Deadline for sending applications to EDISS : 9/06/2025 12h00
- Admission : 16 juin 2025
- Dates of the interviews (in person) : 30 June and 1 July 2025 (Salle du conseil Atrium) only on site