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PhD projects for the competitive government fellowships 2024
PhD projects
PhD projects submitted for the 2024 competitive PhD fellowships at Lyon 1 Univeristy and INSA Lyon
(Updates 28/05/2024)
BioDyMIA - EA 3733 - Bioingénierie et Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires CarMeN - UMR_S 1060 - Cardiovasculaire, Métabolisme, Diabétologie et Nutrition
CRNL - UMR5292 - Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
LabTAU - UMR 1032 - Laboratoire de thérapie et applications ultrasonores
LIBM - EA 7424 - Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité
LYOS - UMR1033 - Physiopathologie, Diagnostic et Traitements des Maladies Osseuses
MMSB - UMR 5086 - Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry
RESHAPE - U1290 - Research on Healthcare Performance
(Updates 28/05/2024)
BioDyMIA - EA 3733 - Bioingénierie et Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires
- The role of aromatic amino acids metabolites derived from the intestinal microbiota in the development of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (CAUSSY Cyrielle) (25/04/2024)
- Role of extracellular vesicles in the transfer of MAM disruption (ROME Sophie) (25/04/2024)
- Ketone bodies metabolism and ketogenic diet to curb obesity. Studies in mice with tissue specific deletions of ketogenic and ketolytic genes (PIROLA Luciano) (25/04/2024)
- Robust lung segmentation and registration to assess local ventilation from computerized tomography images of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (RICHARD Jean-Christophe) (16/04/2024)
- Development of Graph Neural Networks (GCN) using brain morphological connectivity techniques for the characterization of neurodegenerative effects in Multiple Sclerosis and the prediction of the patient status evolution (SAPPEY-MARINIER Dominique) (16/04/2024)
- Head and neck radiotherapy planning using multi-parametric MRI (PILLEUL Franck (17/04/2024)
CRNL - UMR5292 - Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
- Enzymatic synthesis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) from xylose derivatives (DOUMECHE Bastien) (25/04/2024)
- Design and synthesis of pABA susbtrate competitors as new antibiotics against Sul enzyme-mediated resistance (RADIX Sophie)
LabTAU - UMR 1032 - Laboratoire de thérapie et applications ultrasonores
- Development of mRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiomyopathies (LOLLO Giovanna) (25/04/2024)
- Optimization of a bioreactor-based cell culture and transduction process with real-time Raman spectrometry monitoring of lentivirus production (LAWTON Philippe) (30/04/2024)
LEHNA - UMR 5023 - Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
LIBM - EA 7424 - Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité
- Influence of running pattern and soft tissue vibration on mower limb running injuries (HAUTIER Christophe) (25/04/2024)
- Heatwave impacts on sleep patterns and psychophysiological functioning (DEBARNOT Ursula) (25/04/2024)
- Characteristics of blood rheology and coagulation in patients with polycythemia at rest and during exercise (JOLY Philippe) (25/04/2024)
- Interaction between acute physical exercise and anticancer treatment on tumoral microenvironment in mice models of colorectal cancer (PIALOUX Vincent) (25/04/2024)
- Automatic quantification of scapular kinematics with a camera video assisted by artificial intelligence (BLACHE Yoann) (26/04/2024)
LYOS - UMR1033 - Physiopathologie, Diagnostic et Traitements des Maladies Osseuses
MMSB - UMR 5086 - Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry
- Structural studies of the NSm virulence factor of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (BOCKMANN Anja) (26/04/2024)
- Structure/function/activity relationships of proteins from the opportunistic pathogen Nakaceomyces glabrata involved in the remodeling of the fungal cell-wall (AGHAJARI Nushin) (26/04/2024)
P2S - UR 4129 - Parcours Santé Systématique
RESHAPE - U1290 - Research on Healthcare Performance
SBRI - UPR U1208 - Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
UMRESTTE - UMR T9405 - Unité Mixte de Recherche Epidémiologique et de Surveillance Transport Travail Environnement
Concours aux contrats doctoraux 2024 (sujets)
A noter : Les sujets sont publiés au fur et à mesure de leur transmission par les directeurs de thèse (après validation des unités de recherche et de l'école doctorale EDISS)
Selection for PhD fellowships 2024 (subjects)
Please note : The subjects will be published as they are transmitted by the supervisors (after validation by the research units and EDISS doctoral School)
Selection for PhD fellowships 2024 (subjects)
Please note : The subjects will be published as they are transmitted by the supervisors (after validation by the research units and EDISS doctoral School)